Hi Matt — I know you’re taking some criticism for dropping these profiles one by one. To me it seems more a matter of organization. Why not have standing subpages for each position with your top 10 (or 20 or whatever) where you link out to each profile as you drop them. That way it feels less scattered/haphazard.

Anyway, that’s for all the info and engagement.

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I completely agree. I would love to have some sort of organized system so I can view specific positions, the players in that position group, and how they're ranked with links to their individual scouting reports. I feel that the way player profiles are posted feels scattered, but I thoroughly enjoy the breakdown of each player and the website just went live a few months ago so things are getting worked out. I'm excited to see how to website will look after the summer before the next season.

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Hey Matt! A more general question but as an Eagles fan, what should I be expecting at 12? Lord knows Howie Roseman is unpredictable so your opinion would be interesting to me hahah

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Right now, probably hoping DeVonta slips to them. Otherwise, they're in a rough spot as their needs don't match the value of the board. I would go Jaycee Horn if Smith is gone.

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Makes sense. I'd love Smith or Waddle but wouldn't be mad at Horn or Surtain. Thanks!

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